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What Are Some Reasons Why You Should Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer After A Car Accident Or Other Injury

ByPersonal Injury Law

Apr 21, 2023
personal injury law 101

Do you need a personal injury lawyer? These attorneys are able to handle civil and federal cases, including workplace injuries and illnesses and medical malpractice.

There are many reasons why federal civil personal injury suits are filed. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Vehicle accidents: 20%

Product liability injuries: 13 %

Medical malpractice: 10%

Medical malpractice cases

Medical malpractice lawsuits resulted in $3.6 billion awards alone in 2013. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), approximately 225,000 Americans die each year due to medical malpractice.

Birth injuries can be a cause of medical malpractice. Nearly 50% of birth injuries could be prevented by properly identifying, planning and preparing for obstetrical risks.

Workplace injuries and worker’s compensation

Only 74% of states in America require that all businesses have Worker’s Compensation Insurance for their employees. Employers paid $83.2 billion in 2012 to cover this insurance, a 6.9% increase over 2011. In September 2015, the average cost to employers for compensating civil workers was $33.37 per hour.

It is estimated that in 2013, there were 917 100 work-related injuries requiring employees to take some time off work for recuperation. The majority of Worker’s Compensation cases are caused by employees falling and slipping on slick surfaces. 85% of all claims filed in that year were due to this situation.

The financial necessity for filing personal injury cases

Given that approximately 75% of people in the United States live paycheck-to-paycheck, and 27% of these individuals don’t have any savings, when they are unable to work due to an work-related illness, injury, or other situation, this can be financially devastating.

Less than one in four Americans has the recommended level of savings. It is recommended that you have enough money to cover 6 months’ worth of living expenses and other essentials in case of an emergency.

It’s important to know that the majority of personal injury tort cases will be handled outside of court. Only 2% of personal injury tort cases are taken to court, and this is due to a variety of reasons. Personal injury attorneys will evaluate your case to determine the best way to represent you during this difficult time.

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